find me

  • @catsAndImprov on many socials (mostly personal and/or private)
  • @lexamichaelides on many other socials (mostly professional accounts)


  • Pretty good at Shotokan karate. Less good but still decent at Shorin-Ryu karate.
  • WAY better than the average person at pole dancing.
  • Very good at choir singing. Less good at solo singing. Not good at all at reading sheet music.
  • A+ at the actual skill of being a good TTRPG player that other people like playing with and DMing for – this is a real skill, I swear.
  • Can walk in 7 inch heels.
  • Can walk less good in 8 inch heels (but working on it).
  • Can do a headstand! Cannot (yet) do a handstand.
  • Consecutive push up record: 7 (but they’re really good ones, like nose to floor).
  • 20+ years of frog catching experience.